June 27, 2023

Announcing Support for WalletConnect v2

At Bifrost Wallet, our commitment has always been clear: to provide a seamless multi-chain self-custody wallet experience for all mobile users.

A pivotal aspect of our offering is the ability to effortlessly connect your Bifrost Wallet with various dapps within the thriving ecosystem. To achieve this, we've championed web3 injection and, of course, WalletConnect. With web3 injection tailored for the in-app browser and WalletConnect designed for versatile use—whether in the in-app browser or any other browser via QR code scan—we've ensured optimal user flexibility.

WalletConnect isn't new to the game, but there's exciting news on the horizon: the unveiling of WalletConnect version 2!

This major upgrade boasts a plethora of enhanced features including:

  • Chain Agnostic Interface: Enhancing interoperability across various chains.
  • Multi-chain Support: Fostering a truly decentralized experience.
  • Pairing & Session Separation: Streamlined connectivity.
  • JSON-RPC Permissions: Elevated security protocols.
  • Improved Session Management: For a smoother user journey.
  • Decentralized Message Relaying: Optimizing communication pathways.

We're genuinely excited about these innovations, seeing them as foundational pillars in propelling the multi-chain ecosystem to greater heights. Their introduction is poised to streamline and standardize wallet-to-dapp communication, greatly benefiting all ecosystem stakeholders.

The Chain Agnostic interface has really caught our interest. We believe that will enable further adoption across various blockchains. Its potential adoption on platforms like XRPL, for instance, would allow interactions between Bifrost Wallet, XRP Toolkit, and a myriad of other dapps, thereby enriching the experience for our XRP user base.

WalletConnect v2 is fully supported by Bifrost Wallet in our latest update, version v0.5.0. And for those wondering about WalletConnect v1? Rest assured, we'll continue to support it for dapps operating a WalletConnect v1 bridge.

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